San Francisco, CA (37° 37' N  122° 23' W): I am working my way through The Cruiser's Handbook of Fishing so that we can land a big one and enjoy 100lbs of sushi. When discussing medium to large offshore lures, the book gives the following advice: "If you pull something like this behind your boat while offshore in many areas from the equator to temperate seas, you will eventually hook a billfish, sometimes several in one day...So we repeat our warning: do not purchase and put something like this out unless you want to do serious battle, and never delpoy these on a snubber line." I cannot wait to do serious battle with a billfish (i.e. swordfish, sailfish, marlin). Harrison, the standout intern at Oak Hill for the last year, was generous enough to provide two top-of-the-line deep sea fishing rods and reels. The gear arrives on Wednesday of this week.